According to a Gallup survey, only thirty-five percent of workers are satisfied with their jobs. That means a worrying sixty-five percent are not happy with their jobs. The main reason for that is the poor relationship between the employer and employee. This poor relationship is inspired by a lack of communication and trust between them.
Employee satisfaction surveys can help organizations maintain a healthy relationship between employers and employees. It is a way to know how your employees feel about the company they work in. These surveys allow you to understand what motivates your employees, what they like and dislike in their job, and what they expect from their employer.
To find out how much it matters, read on:
How Worker Satisfaction Surveys Benefit Your Workplace
- Motivates Unsatisfied Workers
Unsatisfied employees are unhappy with their job because they feel neglected by their company. They may not understand what the company stands for or its vision. Or, they might be frustrated with their job responsibilities, work environment or compensation package. They may even think that their manager does not appreciate their skills or efforts. This can result in low productivity and poor customer service.
If you want your business to thrive, it is essential that you engage all employees in your organization
- Prevents a toxic workplace
Unhappy or stressed employees are more likely to take their frustration out on customers and co-workers, which creates a toxic work environment. Employee surveys that uncover the issues behind this kind of behavior helps you create a strategy for addressing it before it starts affecting workplace morale and customer relations.
- Boosts customer relations
Satisfied employees are genuinely happy to be at work and deliver better customer service as a result. Unhappy employees have little incentive to go above and beyond for customers, which is why customer satisfaction surveys should always be taken alongside worker satisfaction surveys. When you include both types of surveys in your employee engagement strategy, the former becomes easier to achieve.
- Helps you retain employees
Employees who are happy at work tend to stay at work. So this is one way of ensuring that your best people stay on board of your company. Also, a satisfied employee stays productive, loyal and committed in the long run.
- Helps improve office communication
A good communication process within an organization means that there is lesser chance for misunderstandings between co-workers. And this helps improve team work as well as trust among everyone in the office. It also helps create an environment where everyone in the organization feels comfortable talking about issues without fear of being judged or punished.
Author Bio
Michael Hollis is a Detroit native who has helped hundreds of business owners with their business loan solutions. He’s experimented with various occupations: computer programming, dog-training, accounting… But his favourite is the one he’s now doing — providing business funding for hard-working business owners across the country.